Can You Use An SSRI For 4 Year Old With Pathological Demand Avoidance?
So a few months ago my daughter with ASD 2 was assessed by a pediatric psychiatrist who says she has OCD that falls under a tic like disorder category, and prescribed escitalopram. We have however delayed using it until now when we are feeling desperate to help her with what seems like compulsions or very controlling behaviour coming from an anxious place.
Since doing some reading I believe my daughter fits under the phenotype of autism called pathological demand avoidance (in the UK). PDA… read more
Sheesh, meds that young? Demand avoidance is well more a personality thing than medical. sigh.
Hi djs kids, I haven’t taken her to a neurologist yet, that may be a next step. I believe CBT works best in older patients like probably adults who are able to understand the purpose behind it
My daughter has ocd anxiety as well but i dont use any medicine. Everyone is telling me cbd oil that thc free works great for autism. But im not going to try that makes me nervous too shes only 4 we will stick to natural. :) I find fidgit toys, slime light toys chew necklace help when she having a hard time.
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