My Little Boy Constantly Talks About Earthquakes No Matter What We Are Doing
My little boy repeats over and over all day every day the same jarbled facts about earthquakes that he saw in a book. We could be talking about going to his granmas house and he goes into the earthquake talk. It seems to make him happy and excited. I dont want to take away his interest but how do I help him learn how to focus on something else, talk about something else and not connect every conversation to earthquake talk? Thanks for your ideas/feedback!!!
My son talked about dead people he saw in statues in Washington DC for months. I'm convinced his preschool teacher thought we were running a morgue. She told us he would not amount to anything. Guess what, he's an architect and over 30 years old.
Pretty common issue. My daughter gets some homework called "On topic or off topic". A lot of ASD kids don't know how to reply in an ordinary exchange. They are told to make a comment on or ask a question on the topic at hand but my daughter tends to talk about whatever is on her mind. The only answer seems to be practice or more maturity. It's similar to a "Think it or say it?" exercise. That's also difficult for her.
My son also repeats science facts pretty randomly preticularly when he interups somebody else's conversation to tell them a fact he has already told 3 or 4 times we are working on taking turns when talking and when to talk. No plans yet on limiting topics just working towards back and forth talking. I do love that my little fact sponge is so smart though. But I do understand the frustration. Have you tried watching documentaries on the earths plates and how they effect other things not just earthquakes. That way maybe he will enjoy the topic but maybe learn and explain his topics a bit? Not a perfect solution but might help with the repetion
My son is 19 and he rambles on about movies. I'm grateful because he didn't start talking until he was 4 half almost 5 years old.
Just got the news, our high school goes back on a hybrid 2 at school, 3 at home in September. Three meetings expected before then. We will drive her to school to minimize her exposure to anything.
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