Does Anyone Have Experience With Interactive Metronome?
An interactive metronome program was recommended by my son’s team, to help him stay focused during ABA. They are saying it will be foundational for academics. Would love your thoughts and experiences!!!
They are also suggesting vision assessment — not eye exam (eg 20/20 vision)— but how vision is processed and if vision therapy is recommended. Also any thoughts on that too!
Tons of thoughts!! I've been wanting a developmental vision assessment since my son was small, because of his headaches, visual stimming, and eye tracking difficulties. If you can get it, go for it. It isn't an option where I am. And on the metronome based idea, it is fantastic, that really helps when someone is well regulated by concentrating on proprioceptive (feeling oneself in space and time) but other things are not effective on their own or unavailable. I would recommend looking into what exactly the strategies are versus how they want to implement it though, because there will always be an issue of appropriate use of intervention tools. Good luck
Interesting—why do they want you to clap at it?
Interactive Metronome
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