Best Visual Timer? Have Any Of You Used Them?
My daughter (who is Severely Autistic, nonverbal, age almost 15) got upset this morning beacuse I told her it was time to get her backpack ready, and she hadn't finished her food. She screamed, and kicked me getting on the bus. Her bus comes at 6:15 am ...I'm sure all of the neighbors hate me. My daughter moves slowly in the morning, and doesnt seem to understand when time is limited! In addition, she has a horrible time waiting for anything she wants. We have been working on this for a long… read more
My cell phone timer works great for my son.
My son is 4 and haven’t even thought of teaching him clock, time ! We are still struggling with language, he is speech delayed expressive and receptive language delay. SPD, ADHD ..
it’s difficult sometimes to be parent of special kid. I do love him lot. Sorry i am sounding low, sad but its bad day today.
He is started new things and loosing eye contacts too.
Sorry i started my story and to be honest i am new in this so I really don’t have answer for your question, lots of love to ur girl, hugs to you.
Hi WendyinMD,
I have used an app called Classroom Timer Pro. We used it for teaching my daughter patience. It works really well for that purpose.
For instance lately she didn’t want to put on her jacket even though it’s cold, so we show her the timer and tell her she can take it off after the timer runs out, usually by the time it runs out she has forgotten that it bothers her and leaves it on.
My son verbal yet doesn’t understand time either and it causes problems - I have reverted to lots of reminders - 30 min (1 tv show); 15 min (1/2 a tv show)
You can order the Time Timer on Amazon. It's an awesome visual timer that you can use for any task she needs to get done. My daughter is no longer mad at me for things that need to get done... I set the timer and tell her " the timer says we have this much time before you need to brush teeth, be done with eating breakfast, have to leave for school, etc.
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