My Little Guy Is In A Phase Where When He Doesn't Get To Do What He Wants, Everything Is NO!!!
I am at my wits end. My little boy has recently started to resist doing anything that he does not want to do. If he does not want to get dressed he will scream NO. If he does not want to leave for school he will scream NO. And when it's something he HAS to do he will throw himself to the floor and scream NO. I try ignoring and he will throw things, kick wall and do everything to get my attention. If I say first do....., then ice cream, he will say NO ICE CREAM. Its as tho he gets into this NO… read more
We have to understand a brain disorder, triggers, anxiety etc. I always say if we told eachother "NO" as a response we would all snap. NO is a trigger word for anyone. We have to understand their world and adjust and accommodate communication to just that...communication. The definition of insanity is taking the same approach over and over and expecting a different result. Society already views our kids as brats and defiant, when we do the same they have no one that one.
Yes you could assert your rights as a parent, However I never made E cry over a task. She is well adjusted without all the fuss of WHO IS THE BOSS?? Little by little as she grows up I started teaching her “why” behind my asking her to do something and lo and behold, she is the most well behaved kid ever. We still have struggles, days when everything is a trigger- I pick my battles on those days. Peace is most important for us. She functions and learns best when she is relaxed. My approach requires a lot of patience, time and patience. But the results are a peaceful, well behaved, non aggressive child who has overcome a lot of struggles. Also, Agree with @A MyAutismTeam Member.
I agree I as well follow through. At a point our kids have to realize who the parent is. At a time my son hated baths he would kick abd scream through the whole process . It was hard and challenging. But now at 5.5 years old he loves shower and baths. Heck he loves water all away around. Stay consistent throughout the no phase. You got this.
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