How To Find Divorce Lawyer W/ Special Needs Parent Experience?
I am in immediate need of a family law attorney (the case is Northern CA) that has experience with/understands that the needs of a child with autism and intellectual disabilities are different and require a lot more time, effort and money on the part of the parent with custody. My first attorney didn't get it. How do I find an attorney with this specialized experience and quickly? Any suggestions appreciated!
I’m over here in New Hampshire so I’m explaining what I think could be a good “process” to figure this out. In Maine the disability lawyers handle divorce because as you said you need someone who knows the extra amounts persons w/ ASD will require. This is a link to a counselor (lawyer) in my tri-state area I’ve heard is good:
Maybe they can refer someone in CA. But you may (I’m guessing now), need to have a disability lawyer work in conjunction with a divorce lawyer to get the correct setup. But your definitely right, sharing a child with special needs will make this a very different settlement.
Good Luck, sorry for the unfortunate situation you and your child is in and I truly hope everything turns out well.
Thank you!
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Divorce Lawyer In Northern California, South Bay Area