We Got A New Puppy, Need Help
Idk if anyone can help me with this, or not. Here goes
We got a black lab puppy 2 weeks ago. My husband and I are dog lovers and Roman has always seemed to do well around dogs
The puppy is so sweet and great and learning things really well. I've already bonded with the puppy, but Roman seems very uninterested. Any time the puppy comes to him for attention, he cries and starts kicking at her. I'm always there so no one is getting hurt or anything, but I'm worried he won't bond with the dog.… read more
This might not make any sense at all but do you think it might just be because puppies are a bit nuts by nature. Maybe he just finds her unpredictable right now?
Thank y'all!! I'm def going to call some service animal places and see if they can help me with this. I've tried getting him involved by feeding her treats and her food, but he's not interested whatsoever.
Is he feeling jealous? Will he give the dog treats? Maybe contact a service animal facility and ask for tips?
Does your child like to take walks? If yes let him know the puppy likes walks to and see if he might want to help walk the dog.
We are going through the same thing. 9 month old lab is a little nuts. My daughter is an 8 yr old non verbal with autism. She shys away from him but today bent down and kissed him on the nose! Hang in there!
Has Anyone Donated In Support Of The Family's Affected By Autism
St. Louis Area Dr. - DAN Or Otherwise?
Help! We Can't Rely On Anyone For Help Spending Time With Our Daughter. She Is 24 With Mild Autism. Need A Companion/buddy In SC.