Rancho Santa Fe Schools For High Functioning Autism
We are currently looking at moving from Boston to Rancho Santa Fe, Del Mar or other surrounding coastal San Diego communities. I have a 6-year-old son with high functioning autism who will be entering 2nd grade when we move in 2018. Does anyone have experience with how inclusive (or not) these schools tend to be? Because of his mild autism my son will be in a co-teaching environment for his next year (1st grade) and I think that is an excellent model that will hopefully spread to more public… read more
I missed a point in my reply. Rancho Santa Fe county (which seems to be independently managed county) doesn't have special preschool in their school district. So kids are sent to neighboring areas. There are mainstream schools. However, please try to talk to parents who have kids who are transitioning 100% to mainstream.
When I was searching for homes I noticed that several were linked to R. Roger Rowe elementary and middle school? Is this not part of the Rancho Santa Fe school district? I noticed that once the kids are in high school they would have to choose between Torrey Pines and San Digueito (I think) but I thought the elementary and middles schools were within district. Any clarification would be helpful. Thank you!
please check out powayusd.com & Carmel valley school district. RSF doesn't have a school district like other areas in San Diego. Kids from RSF are sent to neighboring school districts (at least till school year 2017).
Looking For The Best Program For Adult With Autism In Northern Virgina
Anyone Knows A Good Clinical Psychiatrists / Psychologist In The Northern Virginia Area Specifically The Fairfax Or Reston Areas
Classes For Parents