My Son Is Turning Three And Has His Transition Meeting Today. Is A Neuro Psych Evaluation Appropriate For An Almost 3 Yr Old? Thx
My son really likes nut better sandwiches as well as sunflower seed butter sandwiches - Trader Joes has large selection of nut and seed butters. He also likes the animal cracker cookies, JoJo cookies, the banana bread mix and pumpkin muffin mix as well as the jasmine rice in freezer section - also the vegan cheese, corn, baked beans, pasta, eggs, olives
Best wishes / good luck!
I read that when they're addicted to milk and cheese, it may indicate a problem- our son was and would ask for it after we took it away initially but we just gave him replacements- we use soy milk or nut milk (there is a protein nut milk at Walmart which is cashew and almond milk.) He also has watered down juice. We get the vegan cheese shreds from Trader Joe's for grilled cheese which he likes . There are plenty of snacks and bread mixes that are dairy free - these days it's so easy, usually the ingredients part of the box will list in bold if it has dairy. Not everyone loves soy for toddlers but he's not had a problem and he does much better than when he was consuming large doses of milk and cheese sticks. He stimmed less too.
Thank you - I understand it's expensive though insurance may possibly pay for it. I dont think the school district will pay for it. I'm going to wait until he's a bit older - nearing kindergarten and then consider again since we already have the diagnosis. Thanks again
Thanks, I will look into getting some of those. My son's love the JoJo cookies too.
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