How Do You Know If You Should Switch Your ABA To Another Place?
We have been at the same ABA place for a year. I am thinking of looking into somewhere else. My daughter has had some improvements but not what I would have thought or expected within a years time. She seems really bored and her behavior lately has been at its worst. I have talked with her supervisor about changing things up but never seems to happen. Can anyone offer advice or tips about how you know that you are at the right place and how your child does with ABA. I don't know much since it's… read more
We are starting the transition to a new therapist for my son right now. We had a few reasons for leaving his current therapist. 1. Her availability was effecting his bed time. 2. She straight up refused to help us prepare him for his sleep study by getting him used to the equipment and such. 3. He spends WAY too much time playing while she is here. 4. She just doesn't have the knowledge, experience or drive that my family needs.
If the therapist just isn't cutting it, then you will prob have that nagging feeling like I did. I kept making excuses and justifying why we should stay but I was just scared. Hope you find what's right for you guys!
the model they use for treatment is really important as is the therapist and their connection to your child - chemistry. We've had great success with the "Early start denver model" of ABA - theres a great book of the same name that might help you too
Here is a list - see if any of them are near you.
To give you an idea of success - sonshine has only had services for 9 months. He is now testing 3.5 year old developmentally ;-) Amazing - 9 months ago he was testing at 1.5 yo level.
Oh and make sure you call around and ask questions before deciding on a new place. I was up front about my current concerns which was very helpful in getting clear answers
@A MyAutismTeam Member thank you, my daughter has 3 therapist from the place and one I really like but the other two are just ok. I mainly stay because of the one therapist.
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Is ABA Therapy Helpful? We Are Just In The Process Of Getting Our Son ABA Therapy