Good School Districts In TX
My husband received an offer for a government job in TX ( we can live anywhere in the state, where we live will determine which location he will work in) Our biggest concern is finding an appropriate school district for our son to make sure all of his needs are meet. I did research online and I get conflicting information. Some websites say TX is horrible for children with Autism others state its decent. My son's current school district in NJ is awesome. He gets all of his therapies in school… read more
If you have to move try Plano or frisco. But still no service like nj. You have to pay for ABA. No after school programs. Speech is 30mins a week.
When my husband left for pilot training and was assigned to Texas, we spoke to as many people as we could that had been there before. One person my husband spoke to's wife was a school teacher and quit working because of the way the schools were there. The basic gist of it was that the best thing we could do for our children was home school them, no questions, just "HOME SCHOOL THEM!!!"!!! That says how bad the schools and help are in the state, or at least the area we were moving to.
My son has an amazing school here in New Hampshire. The best in the state for elementary. And because of that, we decided to be separated for over a year and a half for the sake of my child's education. I have no problem homeschooling (I home school my oldest child) however, the school my youngest attends offers more than I ever could. it has been rough, being a single parent to two boys with very specific needs (youngest has autism, oldest has "other" issues) but it has been well worth staying out of Texas for their sake. My husband had to fight very hard to make sure we could stay living here with NH BAH rates - since Texas BAH is like $1000 less per month than here.
But again, it has been worth the entire struggle.
I agree with Tdere, I live in mckinney, the funding is horrible will be moving back to massachusetts. If you have an option stay in new Jersey.
Pls stay in nj. Currently in allen. Tx. Trying to move out. You pay for all services. No gov. Assistance . Single mom 2kids . Apparently I make too much money to qualify for the little help available.
Don't come to Dallas. It is awful.
San Diego Schools
ABA In School Districts In Texas
School Doesn't Want To Include Direct OT And ST In IEP ?