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Inappropriate Touching

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭
Lansing, MI

Stephen (My Son) has recently been touching His teacher and staff Inappropriately (as they state in their notes). I have never seen Him act in this manner and makes Me question His teacher's motive. Even with 'her-indoors', He has never aggressively touched her Inappropriately
I suggested 'Redirection', and their return statement is that they do use that as a technique, but He's becoming more aggressive
Again, He has yet to demonstrate that behavior here at Home.
And He has been Aggressive to… read more

September 21, 2016
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A MyAutismTeam Member

You need to address this in your son's IEP immediately lest he be labeled. If this is addressed in the IEP, they can work on goals for appropriate behavior. Make it part of your plan because some insensitive people would not hesitate to call the police. Especially if the touching can be deemed sexual in nature. Protect him and protect yourself. Call an emergency IEP meeting and tell them there. At the end of the day, if they want to consider your son a threat or not being able to be around others in a public setting, THEY can pay for him to go to a private school.

I do suggest you get some more kind of help for your son, but at least if it is in his IEP, the matter will be addressed and possibly corrected with positive reinforcement. He can be taught not to hit and it may take some time. Best to you!

September 21, 2016
A MyAutismTeam Member

It looks as if you already have a lot of good suggestions to try so I just want to say...Welome to puberty!

On the positive side, this is when lower functioning can actually be good. If he stands out as having a disability he is less likely to have legal problems. My son, who is now 22, is high functioning and when he was younger I was scared to death that he would end up with a sexual harassment charge or something because he would say or do the wrong thing to someone. For a period of time we had to keep a close eye on him in public.

When he was 19 he went through a phase of guessing people's favorite color, which was mildly annoying for us but not something I was particularly concerned about. However, once when he and his sister and I were at a book store, he suddenly walked up to a woman and stood way in her space and whispered to her (he knew to whisper in a book store) "I bet I can guess your favorite color." I thought OMG! His sister who is 2 years younger but very good with him and a quick thinker gently pulled him away by his sleeve telling him it was time to go while I told the woman "Don't mind him. He's just learning."

So we made it through that one. Whew! I do not have experience with girls with autism but I do know puberty was definitely "interesting" with my boys. 😊

September 23, 2016
A MyAutismTeam Member

I think because he is nonverbal he is trying to establish a sense of communication or physical intimacy that is non-sexual through physical means. The teacher should try grasping his hand Midway with a smile and validating him he should not be punished in any way for seeking this type of security

September 21, 2016
A MyAutismTeam Member

Well inappropriate touching like sexual or aggressive? The question I always have is what was happening 2-5 minutes before the behavior ? If he is out of his seat and he is coming toward them can't they stop it before it happens with a redirection ? Or is it in gym or What ?? You can ask for an emergency IEP with a behavior plan

September 21, 2016
A MyAutismTeam Member

Everyone, I have Bad News:...
Stephen is Sexually Aggressive, and it's Aimed to His Teacher and One Aid. He caught His teacher off-guard and rushed her, Grabbing her breasts and shoving her to the wall, pinning her there for a few moments.
Good News: This is not New to her, and she's already started a plan to still give Him as much as possible, but in an acceptable way.
Today she called Me and said that she has 'Redirected' Him several times when she saw Him approaching. She requested a 'High-Five' from Him and placed herself in a position that negated any possibility of it becoming Sexual in nature. It worked for today, leaving Stephen confused for a bit after each such encounter.
Bad News: He again attacked another female student (Not Sexually, he reserves that for His teacher and one Staff member) while he awaited to go to His classroom.
Good News: She is drafting up a Supplementary for His IEP and We are all going to go over it when she'd come up with a plan to handle His Sexual Aggressions.

September 22, 2016

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