My son has been seeing a behavioral therpist that says he shows signs of aspergers but we want a full diagnosius and I haven't been Abel to get any help with that please if you can help me or point me in a direction towards a doctor clinic or how to get it done would be awesome I'm in CA I'm so lost in this and my son needs the help so he can start other therapies?
Also insist with your child's school even though he may not have diagnosis as Autistic, they can provide services as he was, well that's what they did with my son...I went to school district to also ask for help this is where they told me keep on taking my son to regional center.
Peditrict Minds in Torrance California
I took my son to a Phychologist. I told his pediatrician I thought he had autism and they referred me to a Phychologist who took his insurance. After about 20 minutes in her office, before I could even finish filling out the questionnaire thingy she said "it's autism" I looked at her "it is?" And "yes that's what is is."
Nightmare confirmed... Or at least that's what I thought at first. I have a more positive outlook though. She said he has "moderate" autism... How helpful... My sons future, just like everyone else's children's future is a mystery and it drives me crazy if I think about it too much. Try to stay positive.
It takes time, u seemed to be doing all u can ..
I had to go to regional center 3 times until they finally diagnosed him as Autistic it was always learning disability, mainly because he had no behavioral problems, his main deficit was social skills and withdrawn
Travel And Behaviors
How Can I Make This Work?
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