The Best Schools (public) ( With The Services) In Pleasanton CA For A Child With ASD ?
I'm planing to relocate to Pleasanton CA, so which would be the best School for kids with ASD in the area? The offers a good amount of services, with aides, a special education program, that are inclusive - This because my son is going into mainstream education, so it needs to be inclusive. Additional programs like music and this sort of information is welcome.
Best Regards,
The Dad.
Thanks @A MyAutismTeam Member, I'll keep in mind the mention to Mountain View school and look into that one, however I'm really interested in moving to Pleasanton and Livermore, someone already mentioned the quality of the services in Pleasanton, but I would like to pinpoint 'the school' to enroll my son there, before moving my family all the way there.
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Angel Sense