What Are Your Experiences With Online/homeschooling A Child With ASD
My son is refusing to learn in class and is interfering with the learning process of others. I am considering homeschooling or online schooling with my son. My son does participate in social groups outside of school so that element will not be completely missed.
Found a new homeschool program Acellus was with k12 it did not fit his needs . You pay a small fee of $29.95 month but parents choose classes.Which means we can get out son remedial or special education classes without going through IEP at this time. K12 was not moving on getting him support for his needs. So we are going with Acellus. Check it out alot of special needs parents will be going this route pretty soon if these schools dont get out kids the help they so deserve.
Every child has different needs. I tried zoom learning, but after 3 sessions my daughter shut the laptop and walked away. She needs structure and a teacher or tutor sitting next to her. If your kiddo does do well with remote learning, I recommend https://outschool.com/online-classes/ Certified teachers with a wealth of knowlege and background. Some teachers specialize in autism, dysgraphic, dyslexia, anxiety, etc. The cost depends on the teacher and if it's 1:1 or small group. Because it's remote, you have teachers across the country.
Thank you
We have always homeschooled our 13-year old son but we received special Ed services from our school district from age 3 until the end of 4th grade. In MN, online schools are charter schools while homeschooling is like a private school, the distinction will affect your opportunities for tax credits or tax exempt status. I consider homeschooling more of a lifestyle choice rather than an educational option. Every state has a homeschooling association, you might want to contact yours to better understand your state's requirements with homeschooling.
We Homeschool. We used Mobymax.com now we use Teaching Text book for math this year. He is 6th grade reading reading comprehension is about 4 th grade. , 4th grade math. For 3 years he was in K-12.com It moved too fast. He is Learning at his level and pace. Good Luck it is a big commitment ..
What Do You Encourage For Independent Play?
8 Yr Old Using Diaper At Nite Nite.
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