Potty Training Help Please
My daughter is 4, diagnosed ASD, and I need any and all help and ideas to get her to use the potty. Besides the fact diapers are really expensive, she is as tall and big as most 6-7 year old. That makes the mess just a bit bigger! ! And I'm not sure if anyone else has this issue, but the smell from this child is. .. well... the absolute worst! So please, someone HELP!! Thanks :)
We have 2 non-ASD older daughters and we strictly prescribed to the "don't force them to go...or it will make them self conscious and they'll regress" technique. We found out early on that our son (now 5, and was potty trained at 4) did not have nearly as strong a sense of personal awareness and/or embarrassment as our daughters if he were to have an accident. As such, we were convinced that if we let him decide when he was ready, it would be years before he was potty trained. We decided early on to put him on every 30 minutes or so (this is not for every parent and likely wont work for every kid....it's probably also frowned upon by "experts" in the field). When he would go, we made a HUGE deal out of it....alot of positive reinforcement. He'd get to watch his favorite show, get a treat, etc... but his favorite thing was that my wife and I would act like complete fools, jumping around, cheering, cartwheels, etc.... He would watch us and just laugh and laugh. He was trained in less than a week. If you try this approach, you have to carve out the time because you pretty much can't do anything else having to be within 30 min of the potty - but it was well worth it. He has had 1 accident in the past 1.5 years. Also, we had to force the issue as many of the schools in our area would not take him in Pre-K unless he was potty trained....that was the incentive to push.
Several things worked for me and I have 2 ASD Boys, 20 months apart that I was trying to potty train at the same time, they were 4 and 5 at the time.
1) social story for bathroom usage- you can search on the web and there will be tons out there. I read this to him in the morning, afternoon and evening.
2) scheduled bathroom time with a PEC. Particular after school and on weekends. It was every hour whether or not they needed to go and if they were dry and pee'd in he toilet, they got a small snack or toy (desired item).
3) 30 minutes after dinner was bathroom time whether or not they needed to go. And we sit with a book for 10-20 mins.
These all the different methods I used and they're both potty trained. They come and go when they need, seldom accidents here and there. Good luck! :)
I'm no help as we are still trying putty training as well! My son is verbal but NEVER has told me he has to go. He also understands how to gibson the toilet. Because he was still pooping in his pants I've decided to put him in a pull up all day and take him every hour. He still has yet to go poop on potty though. I just figure it's better to get him use to going on toilet rather than putting him back in a diaper.
As simple as it sounds, our son trained quickly once he was able to feel the warning signs that he needed to go. He couldn't necessarily always verbalize it, but when we saw him changing his behavior (he had a certain stance when he needed to go), we would guide him to use the potty. We initially had him just sit on the potty with his diaper on, then worked on taking it partly off while on the potty, then took it all the way off when he was on the potty. We did NOT do the "put your kid on the potty every 15 min" plan, but tried to associate his feelings of needing to go with the potty itself. Before long, we could go for a short time without the diaper on, and he would reach for a diaper or ask for one, and we would guide him to the potty. Within a short time, he had associated his body changes with walking to the potty, and he was "trained" for both bowels and bladder.
my daughter potty trained late too. she was nearly four and i realized she was hiding in her room whenever she had to poo. she knew what she was doing and was deciding not to do it on the toilet. same with peeing. she's always been big on the rules so i told her that trying to make it to the potty was the rule. she didnt have to make it, but if i caught her hiding to do it she would go to time out. that only happened once and we never had a problem again. she's 8 1/2 now. also, know that it is not possible to "train" a child to hold their bladder over night. being able to hold your bladder while you sleep is a hormonal thing that will happen with time. it is normal for kids up to age 7 to wet the bed. my daughter wore pull ups at night for a year after she potty trained during the day. if you dont have one already invest in a water proof pad and lots of bedding.
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