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How May Parents Have Kids 20 Or Older With Autism And Are Trying To Figure Out Their Future?

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question πŸ’­
Kingsville, ON
March 14, 2015
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A MyAutismTeam Member

I don't have a 20 year old. But I have a 12 year old and I am working on that now. I just attended a Parent Advisory Council Meeting and I learned I am about 2 years behind.

March 15, 2015
A MyAutismTeam Member

Exactly! Michael gets angry but cannot express that to us. If I probe about his feelings he just shuts down completely and refuses to talk to us, I want to help him but it's hard when he wont tell me anything

April 10, 2015
A MyAutismTeam Member

Yes I have 20 yr old with ASD. He will stay in school system until 21, then get NJ state services from DDD. I worry a lot about his future. Just getting him to cooperate with doctor today for physical exam was exhausting. He gets very upset about being in school and not being able to do what he wants to do which would be play video games all day. He is an intelligent, kind young man with great sense of humor. The problem is he believes he knows everything and refuses suggestions or advice from us. He gets angry but has a difficult time expressing it. He will be able to work somewhere and gets SSI. I pray and go to conferences on transition planning. There are definitely not enough services for adults with Autism.

April 8, 2015
A MyAutismTeam Member

Hi frufee!
My daughter is still in High School and has one more year after this one. After that we will hopefully set up a plan to send her to a day program a couple of times a week. My daughter will never be able to live on her own and is on a list for a group home but that is something that I am not ready for and won't happen for a long time. I will only give her up if my own health prevents me from taking care of her. I guess our version of DORS in Canada is call Community Living and they will help her to find employment if that is possible. I have my doubts but who knows? Maybe there is an extremely patient person out there who is willing to give Tessa a chance!!

March 20, 2015
A MyAutismTeam Member

I have not been on this webpage for a week. Did your son or daughter graduate from HS? In MD, DORS, Department of Rehabilitation Services is helping my daughter find employment. She is also going to a community college in her city. My daughter only has a partial form of Austim, Fragile X. She cannot live on her own yet. She has problems with the stove being used, and also does not like to be alone for a long period of time. My husband and I have guardianship, because she cannot make decisions on her own behalf. I did not read your bio. Hope this helps answer your question.

March 19, 2015

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