ABA Providers
Can anyone recommend a good ABA provider around the Palo Alto area? Thanks
We have recently started working with Easter Seals and have found them to be very responsive and flexible . The BI s are , for the most part, very intuitive and effective with my son. He is very high functioning and verbal but working on social issues, flexibility in play, reduction in compulsive arranging etc as well as emotional regulation. I have already seen some improvements and, best of all, he actually looks forward to the arrival of his BIs ( not always the case.)
We previously had a very frustrating experience with AST in the Bay Area. The professional who assessed my son were great but their scheduler/ scheduling process was terrible. They set up ABA schedules, got me to agree to them and rearrange our families lives to fit them and then, last minute, canceled then. They did this TWICE delaying services for my son by months.
Best of luck.
Thx so much
ABA Providers In The City Of Edmonton, AB, Canada?
We Need To Add Structure To My 22 Yr Old's Summer. Thinking About Camp Harmon Near Santa Cruz .
Good ABA Provider In The North Los Angeles County Area