Moving To Orange County, CA, Special Ed Resources Limited In Schools Compared To AZ. What Other Options Can We Look For To Support Our Son?
In visiting schools for our move to Orange County the principals and district offices claim that massive cutbacks are to blame for limited resource support for kids in public schools where I want my child mainstreamed. His current IEP in 4th grade has him in regular classroom 60% and in resource classroom for 40% of the time. He made huge strides last year both academically and socially and I don't want him to regress if CA tries to force him in to self containment due to lack of resource… read more
Wow. Of the 3,144 counties in the U.S., Orange County had the 79th highest median income in the country. If they don't have the money for public schools then a lot of other people are in deep trouble.
How Do You Get The Best IEP For You Child?
Why Do State Standards Testing?
Preschool Or ABA?