Has Anyone Heard Of Or Tried Magnetic Resonance Therapy? I Did Some Research But Want To Hear From Those With Personal Experience.
Small study was released at the end of May. Results were posted on Dr. Bradstreet's blog. Worth a look along with listening to the keynote lecture from Autism One all about it. If you want more info please private message me. Thanks!
There is a new upcoming double blind study that is going to be published on Dr Bradstreet using propriety MRT approach that found efficacy. Also another double blind study out of Australia that saw some efficacy. I believe it is a very promising up and coming treatment but too expensive and proprietary at the moment. Need more research and commercialization and established standards and protocols. If it was or becomes readily available where we live, I would try it but likely not otherwise.
Tommy starts full therapy on Monday, has had 2 treatments and already see a difference
Has Anyone Tried MeRT (magnetic Resonance Therapy?)? Studies Are Mixed And It's Expensive. I Would Like To Hear From Experience.
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