Has Anyone Moved Out Of Their Area Specifically To Change Schools For Their Child? Was It Worth It?
I'll let you know if we ever get out of Georgia hopefully next year unless there's some positive changes for our daughter.
We left NY which had some great schools. I was more worried about safety. We're in NH now. We moved 6 times in 3 years before I found the perfect community and schools. I bought a home here immediately. It's hard though with no friends or family here. But my son is worth it. I am glad it worked out for you. Best wishes
We not only moved out of area but moved out of states, five states away to be exact. We were in FL where the services are horrible and although there was a good school there near us it was private and it cost a lot of money. We knew our daughter needed residential and the best school in the country was in MA so we moved and fought to get our daughter placed there. It took a year and a half but we did get her placed and it is 100% state funded.
We were originally from MA so it was a place we knew but never knew the school was even here, if we had known we would have made the move sooner. Our daughter is doing great and the school is the best.
We have given up everything for the children and would do it again. We got without so they do not have to. Not a lot of date nights, no new vehicles, no long vacations, but the children get all the services and the best medical care so we are good with it.
@A MyAutismTeam Member I moved from Texas, we are neighbors. You can email me and I can help you, I know Brentwood can be tough, is your child in early intervention? I know they aren't part of MDISD, best email is [[email: [[email: [[email: [[email: (Email address can only be seen by the question and answer creators) don't get discouraged, there are options.
Answer to your question: Totally worth it to move from Austin, TX to California. I fought like mad but got daughter where she needed to be. Texas only cares about football and AP pre IP kids. I miss it, but they have horrible services for ASD.
We have her in NECC New England Center for Children, they are the best but expensive so you have to fight the school district to get them to pay for it. There are others who are cheaper so the school districts will try to get you to chose another school.
People from all over the country have their children placed there because they are the best. They have a day program , a partner program where they come to a local school and set up a classroom there, and they have residential services as well. The children go to school six days a week and have far less time off than other schools. They take more data and do more research than anyone else and they know what they are doing. They get great results from all if their programs. There is generally a waiting list to get into some of the programs but it is worth the wait.
Help Ex Wont Give My Son His Meds.
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