Ados Test
My daughter had an Ados test when she was 2 yr 7 month, and her developmental pediatrician wants another Ados test. The test at 2 yr came back with no asd. Could the results change now as a 4yr old.
My little one had to have the ADOS 3 times within 6 weeks and while all 3 evaluators did agree on the diagnosis of "classic" autism, all 3 had different results on the ADOS despite similar performance by my DD. The developmental pediatrician said there was both language and social impairment. The school psychologist said that she had language impairment but not social. The Regional Center psychologist said she had social impairment but not language delay. So my personal opinion of the ADOS is that it's not a very reliable assessment since it's so subjective.
Interpreting The ADOS-2 Module 4 Test
ADOS-2 Testing
How Can I Get My Granson Tested? We Are Tired Of The Waiting List And Him Struggling To Get By And Mistreated At School.