Anyone With Knowledge Of Jean Genet's ByoNectics Computer Software Approach To Helping Children Diagonized With ASD?
My son was diagonized as early at age 3, he is now 5 years old. He's doing through his weekly speech, occupational, physical therapies and ABA program. I still feel like I really need to do more for him. I'm considering taking a different approach with Alternative Autism treatment called, ByoNostics Computer Technology. Anyone out there with knowledge, please feel free to offer advice or input. Any comments would be greatly appreciated. This approach created by Jean Genet, formally diagonized as… read more
@A MyAutismTeam Member Hi, I did more research. I was able to find some testimonials that were outside of their marketing channels, mostly on other sites similar to this one (forums for parents of children with special needs). Most of the responses that I found varied from neutral to some improvement in their child. Though the improvements did not seem overly remarkable, with the exception with a few which were so extreme and lengthy (athat it seemed to me that they could have been advertisements/plants).
What I mean is that with every supplement we have added, or every program we have added, in almost every case, we have noticed some immediate, slight improvements, which eitehr eventually tapered or at least we just got used to their associated benefits. I don't mean this in a negative way.
I called the number on their website and Gene returned my call personally, and e-mail responded to a message I left at their site. He spent about 45 minutes with me on the phone. Much of the information he presented was interesting, and some of it seemed to make good, logic sense. I want to believe in his product.
He led the conversation and was repreating a lot of what I had already read on his website, or things that I had already discovered through researching other posts. He seemed a bit monotone and at times seemed he was reading off of written script. I thought he would have been much more effetive if he allowed me to lead the conversation and ask the questions I had. I was leaning toward trying his product immediately, though as the conversation went on, there was some red flags to me, and he talked himself out of a sale.
I don't want to go into too much details and would encourage anyone who is interested to give him a call and get their questions answered first hand. I haven't dismissed the idea of trying his product completely, it just slid down my list of priorities. Especially since I am looking into other things which have relatively low cost and more easily discovered positive reviews.
If you (or anyone else reading this post) do try out this product, please share your experience here.
If intersted in other music therapies (and I should note that Gene claims this Byonetics product is not a therapy), the ones I am experimenting with now are The Listening Program (TLP) by Advanced Brain Technoloiges, and the Mozart Effect. I'd encourage anyone to Google those and consider them. Either are much more affordable (in fact I am considering calling Gene back and suggesting to him to offer his product in a way similar to TLP (relatively reasonable monthly cost for the sessions streamed over the internet to your device, as opposed to shelling out several hundreds of dollars up front with no option to try the product first).
I'll update again later if we do try this product, or at the time we develop a stronger opinion about the others I mentioned here.
Good Luck
I spent about an hour and a half looking for more info on it since discovering this post. Haven't found much to coonvince me - I'd still gie them a call to get more info, but would be skeptical (I searched for parent reviews of this product and could not find anything that was not via one of their marketing channels and they have been around at least since 2005). I did answer their questionairre and asked them to call me with more info.
I am looking into another audio based treatment, The Listening Program by Advanced Brain Technologies. Haven't formed a strong opinion about them yet, though will update in these forums when I do.
Binaural beats and isochronic tones are a third audio method that may be helpful, and it might even be possible to find something beneficial at no cost.
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