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How Long For An Fba?

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭
Somerville, NJ

how long should a behaviorist spend on an FBA? The school is finally agreeing to do one, and sent a consent form. It only includes 2.5 hours of observation of my child. It just doesn't seem like enough. It also includes an hour each with teachers, parents & records.

This doesn't seam like nearly enough time. I just want to make sure if we do it, it's done right. Any advice?

January 28, 2014
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A MyAutismTeam Member

That really depends. Do they already have data they can use as baseline data. We start keeping data as soon as a problem behavior occurs and that way when we see that it is an established behavior and not a faze we can immediately call a meeting to review the baseline data and create an FBA. Many schools do not do it this way. They don't start keeping data until the initial FBA meeting has been held. If they don't already have any data then no 2.5 hours is not enough to get a baseline. Also, they need enough time to try basic interventions after they get a baseline. That way they have direction to go in.

January 28, 2014
A MyAutismTeam Member

Thanks for the info. I don't even know what behavior we should be addressing, because the school is stonewalling me as to what is actually happening in the school. So complicated. He's doing well in some areas, but I can't even tell if he's off task, if he's physical, what that even means. The new teachers say he's been doing great the last 2 weeks. The Dr said we could make the target "off task behavior AND aggressive behavior" Seems like a lot to try to judge in 2.5 hours. The director says we can talk to the Dr about how long the observation/eval should be, but it seems like it should be longer.

January 29, 2014
A MyAutismTeam Member

Sorry I don't have much to give you except I've been doing this for 20+ years. A snapshot is not enough, to adequately describe a behavior we monitor it for several weeks without any intervention. That way we can fully describe the behavior, it's triggers, and it's function. We call it ABC data (antecedent, behavior, consequence). This also helps us identify if there is anything in the environment that is encouraging the behavior (before or after). Then we monitor for an additional couple of weeks where we change things (antecedents, consequences) to see if it is easily extinguished. IF it is easily extinguished(not usually the case)then problem is solved, if not then we form a plan based on what we saw. The plan will slowly change the environment to force desired/acceptable behaviors. Sometimes this is as simple as just changing the environment but often we have to teach new skills as we change the environment and consequences. For example I have a student who kicks/hits/spits when ever the doesn't get his way. He is very motivated by stickers and treats. We are currently trying to change this behavior so we give him a sticker every time he complies with a direction. At first I gave him stickers for simple commands like come here or put your book bag away but the commands get harder. Each time he resorts to spitting/hitting we back of to an easier command and work or way back to the harder command (complete your work). It is slow but effective and without our baseline data we would have no clue where to start from.

January 28, 2014
A MyAutismTeam Member

it's complicated. they've been creating BIPs, and pulling them, based on nothing. they've done 2 behavior "snapshots" that were 45min-1 hour long, but there were problems with each. very complicated situation. Do you have any documentation or examples I can point to if thry push back?

January 28, 2014

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