What Treatments Work?
I have two children with autism, (a five year old daughter and almost 3 year old son). My 11 year old brother also has autism and my parents seem to have tried every single biomedical treatment, diet, etc. and they swear by them all. My daughter is in a verbal behavior kindergarten and I would like to try to add another approach to try to help her but am unsure of where to start. Anyone have any suggestions or words of advice about treatments?
Unfortunately with ASD there is no 1 treatment/pill/intervention that will solve it all. Most of us ASD parents involve multiple interventions to help our kids along. One of the most helpful things we have done with our son is to do ABA. I wish I had started it earlier. I would also suggest reading up on your rights and responsibilities regarding IEPs, IDEA, FAPE and school stuff in general. You are just getting in to the school system so now is a good time to prepare yourself. Knowing your rights ahead of time will keep you on top of the game and feeling like a partner during the school meetings instead of an audience member.
I want to post this somewhere because I love when I find stories of things that actually worked WELL for people. I know everyone is different, so keep trying until you find something! For us, we did a YorkTest for food sensitivities (IgG). There are now other companies who do them but it was a very reputable company so we went with them. Cutting out the foods that came back as sensitive resulted in a HUGE improvement with our son. Generally he started talking more and his behavior at school went from a daily issue to almost no issue at all (besides an occasional “regular” 5 yr old meltdown/problem). This is the only thing I ever tried that resulted in obvious improvement. And we’ve tried a lot of things over a few years: many supplements (many combinations!), supposed super-foods, learning programs (Fast Forward), other apps, therapies, etc. I’m one of those obsessive parents always looking for and trying anything that sounds promising.
Also, less obvious to me, but school reports great improvement: we’ve started using a DAVID Alert Pro everyday. I could explain more about it, but you’ll want to look into it. Generally, it helps correct brain waves so that the person is more balanced and “normal.” There are different settings for different issues (ADD, depression, anxiety, etc). It’s like a cheaper less specific neurofeedback therapy. I don’t have access to neurofeesback right now, so this is a good substitute. And school says he’s been making huge gains in the past few weeks. We starters using it about 2-3 months ago.
I hope someone finds this helpful. These haven’t fixed all our problems, but as I said these are what have been the most helpful for us!
Please could you give me more info on the David alert pro
With the biomed unfortunately there is a lot of "trial and error" involved because we don't really understand yet why some kids respond to a particular treatment and others don't. Sometimes doctors can get a clue as to what might work by looking at which other treatments the child has responded to (for example, after my DD responded well to acetyl-l-carnitine it was suggested she try Coenzyme Q10 and that did indeed help). Hopefully the research currently being done will find biomarkers to identify likely responders from likely non-responders.
Do all the traditional therapies that you are already doing including VB. Biomed tries to address comorbid medical conditions commonly found in ASD and this should be a secondary approach to treat these underlying conditions that can be clinically tested addressed to some extent eg food sensitivity / intolerance, GI dysbiosis. Mito dysfunction, oxidative stress, and inflammation. Read "the autism book" by Dr sears for an intro and always start with diet changes. Find a good doctor who understands biomed and up to date with research. Try to test as much as possible not only medical tests for above but also genetics. There are multiple types of autisms, so eliminate at least the known conditions that have autism as a comorbid condition. Good luck.
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