Affordable Care Act Obamacare
Has anybody sign up for Obamacare yet. I have been thinking about dropping my anthem for it since anthem doesn't cover much of anything at all. I have already took out a huge equity loan on my house to pay for all the different therapy for son is going to.
Which is funny because the schools only do what they need to to get the kid through school not through life. Very sad if you ask me.
The insurances you can get through ACA are not mandated to cover any ASD services so you may not be better off than you are. In most states it is the school districts that are responsible for services and not the insurance, and if that is the case they know that and will not pay because they are not required to.
@A MyAutismTeam Member I actually read an artical with the breakdown about how about 26% or so of American's will fall into the gap where they wont qualify for help to pay and yet don't mkae enough to afford the cost of coverage and I fall into that gap. The frst couple of years the fine is based on like 1% of your annual income so my years fine will be about the equilivant of a month or two of coverage and they say they will take it out of your tax return and I say go ahead it's not income I am counting on.
And yes I did pick up on the sarcasm cause I am right there with you!
We're not signing up for ObamaCare until we are forced to and then I'm going to not use the website. It's going to be a PRIME place for hackers to focus on so until they close all the security holes, I'm not putting any information into it.
We self-insure and I couldn't get insurance for my little girl, after going into major debt paying for everything for years, we found that she could get on the Texas CHIP program which covers everything (Speech, OT, drugs, doctor visits, etc..).
OBamacare sucks and if you really think it's going to help your child you are SADLY mistaken. Health insurance DOES not mean health care. There are govt programs in place right now and the wait times are up to 2 years to be seen or start therapies - add millions into the mix and see what happens. IT's going to be a disaster - Healthcare needed to be revamped but from the insruance companies not the citizens -
Georgia To Texas: Can We Get ABA Though Insurance?
How Do You Think The Implementation Of The Affordable Care Act -- Also Known As ObamaCare -- Impacts Your Child's Coverage?
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