Fish Oil
For those who give there kids fish oil how much do you give my kids are 11,9,7
Our biomed dr. has DD on 2 Coromega packets per day. He normally recommends Carlson's but since DD was already on Coromega and liked it, he ok'd that instead.
We give 5ml which is one teaspoon per instruction on the bottle. In the brand that we have 5ml equals to 750mg DHA / 450mg EPA which is good dose. Different brands will have different DHA/EPA content. Go with whatever you are comfortable with.
How can fish oil be helpful to children with asd? this summer we took our son off all medications and are trying a more natural approach. We have begun cbd oil, are in the process of obtaining a thc card and now I see a lot of people discussing fish oil. I would like more info please.
I use Nordic Naturals Childrens DHA liquid and give a teaspoon a day.
Links Between Vitamin D Deficiency And Autism
Fish Oil And Stimming
Fish Oil Supplements