Hello, looking for a supplement or supplements for my 13 year old with Asperger. There are so many supplements in the market...Please help.......thanks..
Science is discovering the link between the gut and the brain. I would suggest any Pro-biotic/ those are to be switched around too, there are chew able acidophilus in all health stores or the product ALIGN is also good and adding Flax-seed heavy Omega 3's like in hemp seed and chia seeds we sprinkled on pizza's and put in pan cakes the flax seed has barely and taste so is was a easy add. . consult your Dr if constipation issues are severe for your child . in some cases Mirolax is needed as a rescue med sometimes it is needed daily for some. Beet Kavas is another pro-biotic drink this is hard to get down I add it to lemon aid and add stevia.. will get things going .. Sena Tea or Smooth Move will also help regulate, I hope this is helpful and I know that in my son's case Constipation elevated his anxiety and stressed his whole system. It was not till he was older that we could get this figured out but for 80% of people dealing with the conditions of Autism Constipation is on of the main issues. it causes the body to have fatique and random pains irritabliy, hemoroiods you name it "Not fun" I hope this will bennifit your family. I would also like to mention the discoveries of glutens being an added aid to the GI Track perhaps look in to those diets too.. God Bless you and your family.
I would recommend reading "The Autism Book" by Dr. Bob Sears and "Healing the New Childhood Epidemics" by Dr. Kenneth Bock as both those contain excellent discussions of nutritional supplements that may be useful in relieving symptoms. A multivite designed for spectrum kids like Klaire Labs VitaSpectrum, Kirkman Super Nu Thera, or Brain Child Nutritionals Spectrum Support is something that I think everyone should take. Also a good Omega 3 supplement like Carlson's or Coromega. The best thing is to find a doctor who treats ASD from a biomedical standpoint (many, but not all are affiliated with Defeat Autism Now!)
Thank you..its wonderful to find such wonderful people that are willing you share their knowledge and their time...have a blessed day.
Thank you, so much..
Suggestion About Supplements
Cold Hands And Feet