Help! My Son Wants To Speak And Write In Different Languages!
Hello! I have a 5 year old autistic son who loves learning. Although he cant hold a conversation in English, He is obsessed with reading and writing the alphabet and numbers, so much so, that he has learned them in 5 different languages. Should I encourage him to keep learning different languages, or stick with English until he can completely communicate in a language I can understand?
Children with Autism learn differently than we do. This may be his way. As long as he is excited about learning I would let him just run with it. Who knows, maybe his life's work will be a linguist.
My oldest son went through a similar interest. He can speak the basics in 5 languages. I do not feel it has hindered his English conversation at all.
Although every child is different, the general rule is to work with areas of strength and try to use those to help with areas of weakness. So if a child is good with numbers, then we try to use numbers to teach other skills, like conversation and reading.
This method will be harder on you, but will hold his interest much longer, and give you the chance to try to teach other different skills.
I am new to this group, my son is 5 non verbal, well just starting to say words here and there. The languages though, he likes to switch between different languages on his iPad when he's watching videos. Curious to know if your son still uses the other languages now that he is older?
I am definately for encouraging him to do what he loves. He reads and writes Arabic, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, and English. He has learned them all on YouTube over the past 3 or 4 months. But, he obsesses over Arabic in particular. Writes the symbols and expects me to understand what he is trying to tell me. Then gets frustrated when I have no clue what he is talking about :( He definately prefers other languages over English.
Non Verbal Watching Shows In Different Languages Is That Ok?
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