When Did You Last Notice Joint Attention In Your Child?
Joint Attention is a pivotal skill. But many children with autism are slow to develop it. What is joint attention? It is when you and your child notice something together - he notices that you are looking at what he is looking at, and visa versa. This often includes pointing at an object: airplane, light, noise, fan, toy, etc.
Last summer I implemented some RDI (relationship development intervention) activities and games, with the sole purpose of getting my son tuned in to non-verbal aspects of communication and reciprocal social enjoyment and joint attention. I saw results fast and they have lasted. In fact a few weeks into the school year his teacher was commenting on how well he read body language and he was starting to show joint attention to what peers were interested in! He is very good at following points and even eye gaze with the verbal cue (not a prompt such as "look at the.." but a cue like "ooo cool!" or "wow that's neat")
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