I Am Thinking Of Sending 18 Yr Old Nephew To A Boarding School, Does Anyone Know Of Good Ones For Aspergers ?
psychiatrist has recommended boarding school for my 18 yr old nephew. I have looked at Grove School in Connecticut and enquirer about Franklin Academy in Connecticut. Does anyone know anything about these two schools or any other boarding schools for Aspergers not more than 3-5 hrs from New Jersey ?
I would think that would make him really sad-the few people he knows being far away and hard to make friends? Isn't there any way to support him locally?
There is not going to be any supports for these kids. I have been watching the state program very closely and they are decreasing supports although the population is increasing. The district has been negligent, not just with my child but with many children. We tried very hard to work with them. I believe this is my child's only chance to receive the supports and therapy the school neglected to provide. They have done almost nothing for him. I love this child so much and I know this will be his best chance, it is going to be extremely difficult for both of us. I feel like I fought a war without a single source of support. He will not be leaving any friends behind, there are none, he will be going to make friends. He will be gaining knowledge and independence in order to survive in this world. We will not be here forever. He will be starting a private boarding school in September. It is a good school with staff trained and caring to help him.
Dr. James Ball lives in New Jersey and supports adults with high functioning autism and aspergers. I believe it is called jbconsulting. I would highly recommend you contact him before you make any decisions.
Yes, I have seen the articles. You really have to look in depth at them. Our district and I'm sure a lot of public school districts have had theses things happen but you never find out because they keep it hushed up. This was not easy decision, @A MyAutismTeam Member. HE has no friends to leave behind, just friends waiting to meet him.
Grove School in Connecticut
If I where you I would do the same search for the other school you mentioned and any other you come across.
Finally, why did the Psych think this is the answer? Are things that out of control?
Have you thought of other alternative venues for him?
I hope this helps you as you research your options.
Help Ex Wont Give My Son His Meds.
Asperger's Syndrome Vs PDD-NOS
Asperger's Syndrom DOES NOT = Mental Retardation!!!