My daughter is twelve and wants to take classes in various things but attention is important what do you give your child that helps with attention? She takes Buspar, which i dont feel works.she needs something for attention and her concentration her hands flail alot and she sings and hums often when she needs to think.any advice would be helpful.
Adderall worked somewhat for my son, but he headaches when it wore off and the behaviors from his headaches were not worth the amount of increase attention I saw.
My son takes aderal I hope I spelled that right. It works great for him and when he does not take it he gets the way you are describing your child. It is pretty safe and he has no side effects.
Back in the day I took buspar for panic attacks it did calm me down, but it also made it even harder to focus because it was too relaxing. Later on I was diagnosed with adult ADD and adderall has really helped me concentrate. It was day and night with me. For the first time in 20 years I could read a book without having to reread every paragraph. I think there is a definite brain similarity between ASD and ADD. I can already see some ADD traits in my ASD son. In some ways it is good cause he gets bored easily with repetitive behaviors. When he goes to elementary school we will probably have him tested for ADD.
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