How Many Of You Would Recommend A Trampoline With Enclosure?
for my 6 year old Aspie son who also has ADHD and ODD. I can't really let him outside without keeping my constant eye on him because he runs and won't listen and so on. But we have an enclosed backyard and it is big enough for a trampoline and I think it would totally help him exert alot of energy pretty much everyday but my husband says no. Not for any particular reason, just no. The psychatrist said it would be a good idea cause he could be outside by himself and jump as long as he wants. Iā¦ read more
I broke down and got a large enclosed trampoline for my son for Christmas..WELL worth the investment great for appropriate play outside, exercise and fun social games..
I was recently recommended to get one from a parent at MCH where my son gets therapy... it helps them with steaming and other issues... whenever their son was having trouble focusing they took him to the trampolin and worked like a charm... i am thinking on getting one myself... i been looking and there are several that has protections that would make me comfortable... also, there are not as expensive as i thought they'd be... trying to convince someone is always hard, there must be a reason behind that, he may be scared that your son may fall, or about how expensive it will be and not scientific background to verify its usefulness... try to get what is clicking his response... its always best when we do things as a couple if you are in a relationship... if they feel left out, it's never good.
I would recommend a trampoline. My son will be 5 and has had his indoor mini trampoline since age 2 and last summer we got a large outdoor enclosed trampoline.. He loves loves loves it!!! Great investment.
We have a little Tykes enclosed trampoline in our living room. Best thing we bought. We got it for our daughter but our son who is higher functioning also uses it. Our daughter also elopes. We Lo-Jacked her. It costs about 450.00 per year. She wears a receiver on her ankle and we have introduced her to almost every fireman in town. Call Lo-Jack if you are interested. It makes me feel better that she wears it.
Totally well worth it. I have one for my son, and he loves it. His sister loves it too. Perhaps you can take your son to one of these special gyms that have trampolines, and see how he responds. If he likes it, then you'll know. Bring your husband along so he can see for himself.
Does Anybody Know If My Three Yr Old Is Ok Jumping On The Trampoline?
What Do You Encourage For Independent Play?
Trampoline Recommendation?