Should I Get A Second Opinion?
My 4 year old son had an evaluation today. Doctor told me that he has all the characteristics of an Aspie child, but because of changes made to diagnosing criteria he can't formally diagnose him. Now, you are either autistic or your not. Because he's verbal and advanced in cognitive skills he's not autistic. I believe in my heart that he has aspergers and am so upset that they gave him a diagnosis of ODD and possible ADHD.. Should I get a second opinion?
My best advice to anyone in this situation is to go with your parental gut instinct. You know your child far better than a doctor who has evaluated them for 3-4 hours. That being said, the higher functioning the child, the longer it takes for it to be formally recognized. So seek therapy as if your child is on the spectrum. At 4 months, our doctor said, "Let's just start therapy and hope we are wrong. After all, no one ever looked back and said, 'Wow.....I wish we hadn't done that therapy!'"
I would get a second opinion. My son is verbal,affectionate and loves people. He was diagnosed with mild autism. The change wasn't meant to eliminate children with Aspergers but to condense it all into autism. Check out
I would get a second opinion. My son was diagnosed with anxiety and ADHD before he was diagnosed with autism. I had to just keep looking for help. I didn't know he was autistic. I just knew he struggled. Now, they are calling it Autism Spectrum Disorder since it's such a wide spectrum. Good luck to you.
That doctor is not entirely true...Aspergers did not go away, it just got incorporated under one title. Do some research and yes seek a second opinion in my opinion
As a parent we need to listen to the inner voice (the Holy Spirit)that warns us and guides us , Anytime the thought of should I get a second opinion enters our mind, don't second guess it, remember we have a God who is a Loving, all knowing and a very hands on Father, who is with us always nudging, and guiding us non stop all day long, wanting the best for us, Just Listen"..
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