PLEASE SHARE! Detox/Methyl B12
I've been seeing comments about daughter has seen a DAN! doctor but we haven't done any detoxing yet! Would anyone like you share their journey with me?! I'm just beginning this Biomedical treatment journey and I would like to hear about what worked for others. Also, has anyone used Methyl B12 and has it been successful/ any negative side effects?
I feel kind of bad. Just took my daughter off GFCF diet. It helped calm her down at first. Then she got sort of depressed. Now she's happy and TALKING!!! The food she was missing all of those months REALLY motivates her. I think her real issues stem from issues with Methylation.
We are on the shots and seeing excessive peeing to the point where we are having accidents. So unusual and getting frustrating. Seriously reconsidering. It feels like a major regression
My 7 yr daughter is seeing a DAN doctor in around Philadelphia and have been doing Methyl B12 injections (we are in her 10th shot that I give her every 3rd day) and now are doing GcMAF IV injection (2 second pinch in the vein) because when I tested her for Nagalase blood test .. it was high and started with GcMAF once a week injection for 20 weeks. Love this doctor because he is a parent with autistic twins and is very conscious with cost and also has went through what we go through also. I am also doing supplements that I buy from him, that are vitamins. Also doing Gluten Free and Dairy Free Diet. Have found that Wegmans (if you have one near you) has a lot of GFCF food section. Hope it helps. In my profile I have my blog that I posted which explains everything that I am doing with my daughter. I am very happy because before my daughter was on 2 anti-depressants and now is totally off them and now doing the biomedical stuff. Good luck!!
So pretty much, it's an each child is different type of thing?
My DD was a participant in a research study on mB12. The study should be published some time later this year, but the preliminary results according to the professor who ran the study is a 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 split between major improvement, no improvement, and mild or mixed results (big improvements but also side effects). The next step is to see whether any biomarker can be found that predicts which kids are likely to respond to mB12.
Does Anyone Have Any Methods That Have Worked For Getting A Young Adult With ASD To Speak Up In Loud Places Or When Meeting New People?
Looking For Behavior Medication.
Elevated Vitamin B12 Level