Elevated Vitamin B12 Level
My daughter has an elevated vitamin b12 level on her blood test. It should be between 210 and 900, and hers is 1417. Does anyone know what a possible cause could be? She was not on any vitamins or support when the blood was taken.
High B12 means it is not being used properly - usually means low folate level and need to improve methylation. Consider methyl folate and methyl B12 (which is the form needed by the body and founding lacking in ASD). I am assuming your doc was able to address it.
I would just get a b-vitamins mix with methyl folate. These have bioactive forms of most B-vitamins. We use Thorne research brand. As for MB12 which is usually found lacking in ASD, these are typically given as shots given it is very poorly absorbed orally.
What dose do you use?
He didn't but I figured it out on my own. Thank you so much! Now Im just trying to figure out what type of Methylfolate to get for her. Right now Im using Super Nu Thera with P5P and the Methyl B12....but we still need an age appropriate Methylfolate.
I would suggest calling her regular doctor for this issue. It's definately something your insurance company would cover and I would save those dollars you are planning on spending with the DAN doc for issues solely related to ASD. This would be totally physical, medical issue. Just my two cents... Good luck! Have a great day!
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I Just Started A Book, It's Called "I Cracked The Autism Code" By Roma Swanepoel. Just Curious Of Anyone Else Has Read It?