Suggestions For Earphones Or Headphones To Block Out The Noises Of Our Dog Licking Or Eating.
So my Daughter can not tolerate at all our dogs noises. She keep says she is licking but our dog is barely moving her mouth. She also can't stand for someone to eat with anyone.
This is opposite to my youngest daughter who can't tolerate loud noises of a gathering or a gym. more than 3 people singing. The little noise don't bother her.
I bought headphones from and they didn't work at all for my oldest because the only work on the loud noises. My youngest… read more
Hi @A MyAutismTeam Member. I just added you. If you go to my page, my updates, about 4 pages back, you will find a picture of the Bluetooth Motorola headphones, they sit well around the neck, - my son uses them when allowed in school to drown out annoying noises.
It is a Motorola SF600 Bluetooth® Stereo Headset that he purchased with his own $$ at our Cell Phone Store - Verizon for approx $120. - (posted 2 months ago). I see that Amazon has them for $55 You might think about letting her listen to classical music while wearing them as an added distraction.
For true noise canceling headsets, my son also has the
Bose® QuietComfort® 15 Acoustic Noise Cancelling® Headphones
by Bose, approx $300 at Amazon = same price at the airport, where he got them.®-QuietComfort®-Acous...
While price for either is not inexpensive, it has been a worthwhile investment for our Aspie son.
I was actually talking about googling to find products geared for different decibel levels. I know there have to be some. Someone working construction is going to need stronger than the typical ones for a gun range. A military range may need some stronger.
That is ok Thanks. You get mixed reviews online. Besides face it, a product could be loved by many but until it gains that approval of an autisic individual than you just don't know!
You may be able to Google the info, I'm just not sure. Sorry.
Yes that is like the ones I bought. Just wondering if there was a brand that anyone recommended. I saw the decibel levels just wondered if someone knew the level I needed for the little noises.
Help Ex Wont Give My Son His Meds.
Suggestions For Noise-cancelling Headphones?
How Do I Get My Daughter To Overcome Loud Noises?