The ILs Therapy (Integrated Listening Systems) - Have You Tried?
I'm hoping someone has used (or know someone who has) the iLs Therapy (Integrated Listening Systems)? It's received wonderful reviews, but....
We tried music therapy when my son was five for about a year. He could not focus because of serious behavioral issues, I bought all the special music and headphones, but didn't see any change. But that's not to say this method of therapy won't work for you, but we keep trying to maintain some sense of normal.
We have been using it for about 3 months now through our OT. There's been No changes to report as of now but still holding out on hope. His OT did say that she see. It do wonders for some kids, do nothing for some , and in rare cases cause negative behavior issues.
We have been using it for about 2 months. We were able to trial it from our ot and just use it at his ot appointments. We then signed up to do a rent to own program but after starting it 3-4 times a week at home I just went a head and purchased it. I have seen wonderful results. My son is able to focus and be calm in school. He is in kindergarten with the help of a para in a typical class. His hand writing is now legible and the school is amazed that happened almost over night. I have heard and seen improvemet in sleeping and many other comments from his teachers. ILS was recommended to us by the STAR Center in Denver, Co. We took my son there to work on his sensory difficulties. They did amazing things for my son so anything they recommend is at the top of my list. The OT I currently work with told me it either works or it doesn't in her opinion. In our case it is working and I am excited to see where we go from here. God Bless You and hope this helps.
You are welcome,hang in there. I am glad I'm able to share my experiences with you, this support group has been very therapeutic.
Thank you @ Niecey...I so appreciate you responding with honestly! =)>
Has Anyone Else Tried Integrated Listening System (ILS), Multi-sensory Program For Improving Brain Function?
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