I'm Looking Into A Gluten Free Diet For My 3 Year Old. I Was Just Wondering Has Anyone Tried This And Has It Helped Or Not?
We have been GFCF for 3 years. My son has reacted very well. I am super strict though. You have to be all in!
Not sure where you live, but Trader Joes has a large gluten free selection. Our local Kroger has GF pizza crust, as well as other GF options. Our son loves salty, and lots of chips (like Lays or Cheetos Puffs) are already GF. I've also ordered some snacks on amazon for him to replace some of his favorite foods he can't have any longer.
GFCF and soy free made a HUGE difference for us. I suggest reading Karyn Seroussi's book. Also if your kiddo self limits food like mine did (only wants milk and bread) then you should really see some big changes. I 100 percent recommend it. Our son was saying 3-4 words within a few days of doing the diet.
I have had my son on a gluten free diet for about 8 months now. I have noticed a difference in his attention span mostly. I have not gone casean free yet because he really doesnt have anything with dairy in it except an occasional cheese slice. I don't know if that would make anymore of a difference, but may be willing to try at some point
Lots of chips are GF ...I know Lays and Cheetos Puffs are. Frito-Lay has a list on their site of GF chips they make.
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