Has Anyone Used The "Mendability Program?"
I do "classroom" activities with my four-year-old son Devin and his little sister at the table that includes puzzles and coloring, ipad apps, colors, numbers, reading books, etc. I also try to incorporate functional activities, following directions activities, social activities, etc. But I'm always looking for new ideas to better help him and since it's the New Year I'm ramping up (hopefully) what I do with him at home. I worry about the early learning years as he has just turned 4 and often… read more
Hi LeslieA. I'm sorry I haven't updated until now. I'm never on this site anymore. I have been doing Mendability with my son now since last July. I am really really happy with the results and how it's helped my son. It has helped with his sleep (He used to be up for hours during the night) and his focus, attention, eye contact, and even playing with his sister. I want to let you know though that I also do biomed (We do gfcf diet. I also have him on multi-vitamin, probiotic, N-Acetylcysteine for glutathione production, Choline Chloride, Cytoflora, extra d3 and juicing) and that is really important to me. I quit Speech and Occupational therapies because he's been in it since he was 20 months old and it was largely ineffective. But the Mendability is as important as the supplements and they have worked together to bring about a lot of changes with him in the last 9 months. And I give God the glory for bringing me to all of the things that are helping him. He is even starting to talk again. From the beginning, the "exercises" seemed too simple to affect something as profound as autism, especially my sons. But they are working and they make a big difference. You are assigned a coach and they are really amazing with the support and help they give you. I would recommend Mendability to anyone who has a child on the spectrum. If you want to email me you can. Devin still has issues with pica, impulse control, not understanding dangers, speech and playing with peers. But he has come a long way and I feel that we are on the right path now because I see changes. If I didn't, I wouldn't keep doing it at this point. [[email: [[email: (Email address can only be seen by the question and answer creators)
download Environmental Enrichment as an Effective Treatment for Autism:
A Randomized Controlled Trial from psycnet.apa.org. The study has the exercises and protocol used listed :>
^Also Bentonite Clay baths for detox, along with regular Epsom salt baths for mendability. I saw big gains with the Bentonite Clay bath and recent addition of supplements with the diet. But then, the mendability is working in conjunction with that and he has made further gains from new exercises my coach added.
Generated on Dec 31, 2012
*Note: Roots games are done throughout the day, separately from Branch games.
Branch games are done together in one sitting.
Relaxation games are done at the end of the day, typically as part of the bedtime routine.
Strawberry and Ice/Smell and Gentle Claw
1.Multisensory Core Protocol
2.Smell While Feeling 4 Textures
Music/Scent on Pillow
I just signed up for the free trial too. It looks (at least from the start) that it is more sensory activities and I was hoping it was more targeted towards verbalization. But it also said that the activities change every two weeks so Idk. Do you know how much it costs regularly after the free trial?
Has Anyone Tried MENDABILITY?
Angel Sense
What Can U Do If They Not Take The Blame For What They Have Done