Does Anyone Who Works Outside The Home Home School Their Child Or Children?
Is it possible at all? My family is not on board with my idea at all. My son will start Kindergarten this next fall, and thought of sending him to a public school scares me to death. He is very smart cognitively his main issue is social skills with children his own age. He has a very hard time with that and I cant imagine exposing him to a classroom of 20 children, transitions, and so on. Right now he goes to a head start program and a special needs preschool program.
There is a single mom in our homeschool group who works FT as a nurse and has her nanny oversee the homeschooling on the days when she has to work. Her kids do online schooling. It isn't an ideal situation but it was the only way she could keep homeschooling after her divorce. is definitely a no! to a long bus ride or car ride.Right? There is a home program called Abecca-religious-I think it is Baptist. In Nevada,where I am, there are on line schools. If you like the internet schools. Do you have the ability to skype? I do not know the spellings of these types of schoolsor programs but I definitely understand your problem!
My son went to a special ed preschool program. To anticipate the kinder transition (and larger class size),his teacher was able to take him for an hour each week to attend story time/free play with the 'typical' preschool class. This got him used to a larger class size on a gradual setting. During the summer before kindergarten, I had him heavily involved with YMCA. He did a gymnastics class 2x/week and eventually I had to put him into all day summer camp for the two weeks prior to kindergarten. I am so glad I did this as it was a good prep for the longer day for him and it helped desensitize him to noise. The camp counselors were amazing and it was a very positive experience. We did make the gen ed/kinder transition, and the resource team at the school has been very good in working with the teacher to help my son feel comfortable in his surroundings. Each child and situation is different, so do what is best for you and your child. Don't be afraid to take some risks because it is necessary to push past the comfort zone a little to grow.
Check out the available professionals in your area. Also look for free charter schools and free services for more help.
If you decide to allow her to go to public school... make sure you have a bond with her teachers and supporting staff. With my son, I was a nervous mommy but I got familiar with his surroundings. The staff at the school and I became a close knit community. The ARD meetings always are a plus and I am sure you will find the same success with your child. Be Blessed.
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