Anyone Know How To Take A Child With Autism To The Dentist?
It's time to take my daughter to the dentist but she doesn't talk, and she screams around people she doesn't know, and I don't know what to do
When my son was very young, I took him to a pediatric dentist. The first couple visits were only check ups, and rapport building. They let him play with some of the equipment and by the 3rd visit, my son allowed the hygienist to clean the two front teeth. The next time, full cleaning.
This dentist's site has good information on how to prepare kids for a dentist office visit. (I do not know this search result.)
Yes for the last 2 years I had to take her to a special needs dentist! She is now 17 and said she does not want to get put to sleep so we are going back to a regular dentist
I've been wondering about this also. My daughter is 3 and it's a battle every morning and night brushing her teeth. She already has cavities on her back molars. I see them. I want to take her to the dentist, but I don't see how they'll be able to treat her without her squirming and screaming for her life. I read once that sedation is common, but I don't want to have to do that to her.
I have had excellent success with medical colleges. UIC Dentistry College is sort of in your area. Have you checked them out in the past? I guess they only take patients that have the IL health connect program and use UIC as the primary provider.
We had the same situation. We tried several dentist for our son. It took some time but we finally found a pediatric dentistry with a dentist that has had practice with special needs children. The first time we took him was quite difficult but afte that he seemed to actually enjoy the experience. I think many of the younger dentist now have had special needs training. Good luck to you.
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