How Do I Help My Son's School Realize The Importance Of Putting Him On An IEP Instead Of A 504?
My son is newly diagnosed at 6 with ASD high functioning, and has never been on any IEP or 504 plan. The school wants him on a 504 instead of an IEP. Any suggestions on what I can do to help the site specialist and others involved see the value of an IEP over a 504? I am new to this, so any advice would be welcome. Thanks!
A 504 is about adjusting the environment to make learning, and the school community, accessible. If your child is able to participate in school and learn at least at an average rate compared to peers, with a 504, then that is all he needs. 504 plans cover seating, prompting, print schedules, and so on.
An IEP requires TWO components - a disability, and inability to learn/participate in the general education environment even with accommodations, and/or needing a significantly altered environment that removes him from the general education classroom for some or all of the day.
In other words, he must be failing academically, and/OR struggling to the point of complete social failure with classroom participation and interaction with peers, in order to get an IEP in place.
I highly recommend this website:
The reality is in most states it amount to educational discrimination. The educational definition if autism is different then the medical. Schools are not required to use current evaluations, our to follow doctors recommendations. The school OT, PT and SLP only look at the educational performance not if the process of education in a typical environment hurts your child. Get independent evaluations decide with you're medical team what's best then have the school augment what you go. sensory supports in school us in asensory diet. I just wrote a book about my daughters recovery and how important that sensory diet is and was. She now has functioning recovery works drives and lives independently.
ADA 504 is not policed by the school alone. It is not FUNDED by the government, but it is policed.
Although I strongly recommend getting a lawyer if the in-district complaint pathway/mediation is not doing anything helpful...
Complaints can be filed here:
Lots of reading:
first off what state are you in. The problem is if your child passes your schools version of educational testing they never will qualify. A school will not find eligibility for Special Education unless the child's disability adversely effects thier education. Here in lies the problem, many child especially higher function autism pass the educationall testing required. Your IEP recourse is to request an independent evaluation, then mediation or due process, but the schoolwill be difficult to work with.
One thing to keep in mind, if your not happy with the 504 and you file a complaint, the school polices itself. Under an IEP you have recourse with Dept. Public Instruction. This is exactly the issues amongst families with child on the spectrum
Thanks for the clarification. Kate has a 504 and it has been a tremendous help!
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