My Daugther Is 4 Years Old She Didnt Sleep At Nigth, I Try Wram Milk, Music, Quiet Place She Only Sleep For 4 Or 5 Hours.I Need Your Help
Melintonin has been our answer for 6 years. 1x3mg 1 hour befor bed time.
Colonodine helps with sleep and meletonin..
my son is 9 and still rarely sleeps through the night. we bought music boxes that we placed in his bed and he knows how to turn them on. I have them each set to turn off in 20 minutes. most of the time anymore, I only know he's awake because I hear the music. some nights, he just keeps hitting it as soon as it turns off. but he stays in bed (most of the time) and is at least getting some rest. it's been a long process, and I definitely see the progress. one thing that does seem to help him sleep is a long hot shower at bed time. not good for the eczema, but what-ever it takes, right?
I use Melatonin to help mine go to sleep.. But that does not always keep them asleep... Both of mine have Sensory Processing Disorder, and we have found that the sheets on this web site { } work great with a weighted blanket!! I hope this helps!
Ask your pediatrician of courese, but I give my som Meleatonin. You can find it in the vitamin suppliments @ the drug store. It is an all natural non addictive suppliment. It comes in 1, 3,5,10mg. I give my son 3mg about an hour before bed and he falls right off. He is 9 and has no problem taking pills. You may have to crush hers up. I hope this helps.
Angel Sense