Thoughts On Transitioning To College? Driving?
My son will graduate from high school next year with honors. I am concerned about college, since my ability to have assignments and grading modified will be nil. Any thoughts on navigating the college experience for my HFA? Any thoughts on driving?
For driving... I recently found a professional (nurse/therapist) at my local hospital who specifically tests people to see if they are good candidates for driving or returning to driving. This initially began as a program for people who have had brain or orthopedic injuries, but she now includes this service for young people with ASD. This service may be offered by other providers. My son is 16 and we decided to postpone driving for a couple of years.
My Son is almost 18 and also excels academically. He doesn't want to learn to drive. His plan is to live in a city with Mass transit. We live rurally, but as he's afraid he'll be in situations he can't handle (people speeding, cutting him off, failing to signal)I'm not pushing it.
My son, an Aspie, is in his sophomore year and doing well academically at an art college an hour away. He has participated in one non-academic student group, but he certainly doesn't have a social circle! Loves his studio apartment all on his own. I am still concerned about the fact that he has never had a part-time job and does not drive. Not sure how to overcome these problems. The college does not offer any support.
We Skype with him weekly, and drive to visit every couple of weekends to take him shopping for groceries. I would love advice about driving and Aspies.
I am more concerned with the social aspect and how the other students interact with him. Aspiechels29....what are your thoughts? One more question for you...How difficult is short answer questions for you? My son is having a great deal of difficulty with that. Any ideas on how to help him?
I suggest finding a life coach to help daily for both personal and school needs. Driving scared me and I never thought our son would drive but he is actually a real good driver. Follows all the rules and laws to the t
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Anyone In The Naples FL Area That Used A Service To Teach Their Child To Drive? Looking For Help, Mine Doesn't Enjoy Driving With Me.