Moving To San Diego This Summer. Anyone Know Of Good Areas/schools?
We currently live south of Tucson, Az but will be moving to the San Diego area (closer to the border since my husband will be working on the border) and I was wondering if there were any good areas/schools for families with kids who've been diagnosed on the spectrum? I really believe that one of the major factors in Alex's improved social skills has been that he goes to a school where kids with special needs are in class with kids without special needs (at least in preschool) and was wondering… read more
I live about 30 miles north of where you'll be, so I am not familiar with the schools in that immediate area. The San Diego region has amazing resources for families effected by autism...of course there can also be some long wait lists for those services as well. I would first contact Rady's Autism Discovery Institute. This is a part of Children's Hospital that is dedicated to autism. The people there are amazing and very willing to help. Good luck with your move...and welcome to San Diego :)
Assuming you'll be in the San Diego Unified district, you can look at their site: (on the right is a tab for 'student learning' and 'special education' is under that). I have heard of programs like what you describe with a mix of special needs and typical students. So it does exist. For preschool, you'll be hearing SEEC (special education early childhood).
You will love the San Diego Community! Contact Kim Dodd
who is a parent and very active in CSLN. [[email: [[email: [[email: (Email address can only be seen by the question and answer creators)
Well, come visit me anytime you want to see the area, @A MyAutismTeam Member. I have a long-time friend in Temecula. Glad Alex is doing well in class. I have Rob's IEP update (triennial review) next week - I invited someone from the Middle School. Good luck on the WW. If you ever want to get together, let me know. Otherwise. See you around the MAT campus!
@EvelynRepass It was me that ended up in the hospital. And silver linings are what has gotten us this far. I'm doing better now (especially since I recently started doing Weight Watchers-yay-). Alex is doing well in his class here as well. I'm glad to hear your son is doing well in his current class. Here's hoping your son gets what works best for him. How are things in Chula Vista? We are considering getting a house down there or up in Temecula.
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