Im Looking For Any Advice/ideas On Biting. My Son Bites All The Time & Weve Tried Many Diff Things To No Relief.
My 2yr old son was recently diagnosed with ASD & sensory processing disorder. With the SPD he is constantly biting & I'm talking chunks of flesh off myself & my other 3 children. There is no specific trigger he does it when happy,excited,hurt,mad,sad,& when showing affection. We've been using chewy tubes, chwewy jewelry (which everyone except my youngest wears to try & prevent the bite b4 it happens) vibrating chewys& teethers & toothbrushes which still dont seem to calm the earge to bite. It is… read more
Thank you all for the suggestions, he does have fidgets & other things like that but it doesnt help, gum unfortunately hes not ready for we have thought bout it as it was suggested by my 1 yr olda pt but @ this time dont think its a good idae thanks though. Its frustrating cause hes been doing this since he was 7-8 months old as he had all of his teeth in by then & after 2 yrs of dealing with it im deff worn out. Again thanks everyone your input is appreciated :-)
I give my son a fidget toy, like a plastic clothes pin and he puts it in his mouth, it is safe and it keeps his mouth occupied. He wouldn't do the vibrating toothbrushes or keep the gum in his mouth for long ..
I do not have an answer for your question, but I understand your *hug*. I've been dealing with my 4yr old hitting and wanting to bite, though not all that often. I just spoke with a behavior expert this morning and she highly recommended a book called "1-2-3 Magic". number can only be seen by the question and answer creators)&sr=1-1 Maybe try to contact your local autism society for advice. I know the Autism Speaks site has a phone number to call for help too: (Phone number can only be seen by the question and answer creators) Good luck and hang in there!
see if he will chew gum
Reverted Toileting
Would You Consider Nail Biting And/or Sucking On Arms Or Skin (leaving Red Marks Behind) As Stimming? If So, Any Suggestions To Help Stop?
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