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Non-verbal Classic Autistic 4 Year Old Still Not Potty Trained, What Else Can We Try?

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭
Fayetteville, NC

This is a long question but very necessary to understand our potty training dilemma, Please help!!!

My daughter has Classic Autism, is non-verbal, and turns 5 in April. She is still not potty trained and we're already getting so much grief from the school over it (preschool, where she will also attend kindergarten - 5th grade). I worry she will never catch on! We see the signs like squatting or grunting when she has to poop but by then it's usually too late to put her on the potty and we have… read more

March 3, 2012
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A MyAutismTeam Member

First: We had a very positive outcome, thanks to Maria Wheeler's book, " Toilet Training for Individuals with Autism or Other Developmental Issues". Second: establish a working relationship with your school ASAP! You must advocate for your daughter for the long run, and they must comply. Be informed and firm and clear about what she needs. Work together. Don't waste her time if anything stands in the way...go to if you have questions.

April 1, 2012
A MyAutismTeam Member

Think positive. These kids that can think forward and backwards need time to adjust when you move. Don't rush nature. You might want to look at the State or national resource level for help.

June 18, 2012
A MyAutismTeam Member

HI, I have a 4 year old son with Autism (He is a little bit verbal..3,4 word sentences), and like you I had a very hard time potty training him.. I read that you tried to get rid of all the diapers and it didn't work. This is what I tried too, and actually I just let him be without any pants or underwear around the house (I know it sounds kinda gross, but I was desperate :)) Whenever he would start to go I would take him and put him in a potty chair that I kept in our living room (you are going to need a lot of carpet cleaner).., it took us three days but he has made that connection and ever since then he was going potty (number one) on the toilet.., of course he did regress a couple of times but I heard its normal... Now, we still have a problem with number 2.. he won't go on a toilet for nothing!! It's like he has a fobia when it comes to pooping in the potty.. we are still working on it.., he does ask me for a diaper though when he needs to go..
Good luck !! I know it's very hard and frustrating... Hopefully it works for you soon.

March 3, 2012
A MyAutismTeam Member

thanks for the book suggestion! I will look for that book.

January 22, 2013
A MyAutismTeam Member

One of my 4 year old twins is having potty issues. The most autistic of the two just won't go potty. As far as with school, as long as your child has an IEP they can put the "wearing of diapers" as part of her plan. I know my son will probably not be potty trained for a long time, if at all. I too am considering cloth diapers, but now I am worried of him having the problems that you have had. so annoying!

September 24, 2012

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