Are Public School Systems Required To Provide ABA Therapy? Does The School System Your Child Attends Provide ABA Therapy??
Are public school systems required to provide ABA therapy? Does the school system your child attends provide ABA therapy??
If it is in the childs IEP then they have to, and the only way that is going to happen is to have a medical diagnosis first. This is why IEP's are so important and updates to them are equally as important if the childs condition changes. Depending on the childs level they may need to provide the therapy both at school and at home. This does vary from state to state, so not all of them are just going to give it up unless you make them.
Like evak77, said if you put it in the IEP they will use ABA even though it is considered methodology but it won't be the opnly thing they use. There should be no reason to have to get a medical diagnosis to have them use ABA (have not seen anything like that under IDEA). I would speak to the IEP team member who knows more about this (ie autism specialist, special education coordinator).
They don't have to outright provide ABA. However, most teachers use modified forms of ABA anyways, even though it's not formal therapy. Sometimes they don't even realize that they're using ABA methods.
@SallyRistaAnderson Thank you for your great advice. I appreciate you taking the time to explain what you've been through and how you've dealt with getting your son the services he needs. What an inspiration you are! I think many others need to see your response. Care if I copy and paste and put your name with it in a post? Oh, I wanted to mention - I'm a teacher in the school system Cammi attends so I'm more hesitant (probably shouldn't be) to push because of my job. Thanks again!
Schools are required to address the behavioral needs of a child so the child can participate in their education. Behavior support does not have to be a specific program such as ABA therapy.
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