Do Any Of You Have Problems With Your Child Making Themselves Vomit?
For about the past 4 months or so my son has been making himself vomit while eating and or after eating. It has been off and on he may do it for every meal for a whole week then stop for a while. He just goes to the bathroom sticks his hand down his throat and makes himself vomit. He cleans his face, hands, changes his shirt and then goes back to eat or whatever else he was doing.
I suspect that he doesn't like the way his stomach feels. A naturopath may be able to help get his system in balance.
My son did this all the time around age 3 but he quickly grew out of it...
yes!!!! my 6 yr old has times where he will vomit constantly for an entire weekend and then he will not eat for the rest of the is so scary. but he doesnt have to stick anything down his throat he just does it. he has been doing this since he was almost two. he wont be sick in anyway and it is almost always related to some kind of transitional anxiety
When mine was still in a carseat, he would scream bloody murder when I'd take him from the caregiver after work. He learned that when he crammed his whole hand down his throat and puked all over the place, that Dad would go nuts. He did that for about three months until I just ignored him.
Nothing since then, sorry.
Help Ex Wont Give My Son His Meds.
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